As for how it has changed me, first I have to admit it has always been with me just as it is with every child. Every child is an artist. But unfortunately we lose it mostly because of the disciplinarian trend in education we are subjected too. So it would be fair to say art actually shapes us to start with. Later in life some of re-discover it and I think they are enormously richer for having done so.
As for me, I realized I was artistically inclined after high school when I shot my first short film. Everything that I did prior made me realize how creative I was and thus the dots where connected. Even though I would say Im artistic as in I can draw, paint, ect. Im artistic in a way that I can see things a bit differently and present them to other with very little miscommunication. Thus that lead me doing photography and video work as a career.
At the moment I am still taking the first hard steps into developing a reliable career but at the age that I am and the respect and good reputation that the film and photo community has for me it is only a matter of time till I am able to be in a position to hire others just as young, talented, and hungry for experience and guide them into the their right directions.
An advice that I remember all the time is that "If your not good at what you do them you must be funny but if your not funny you better be good at what you do."
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